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ESFA Crest Education & Skills Funding Agency

Dedicated schools grant (DSG) 2024 to 2025

Find out about DSG funding allocations for local authorities for financial year 2024 to 2025.


Download DSG allocations for all local authorities and regions 2024 to 2025
Published: 22 July 2024 Latest
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS), 199KB
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Download DSG allocations for all local authorities and regions 2024 to 2025
Published: 25 March 2024
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS), 199KB
This file is in an OpenDocument format. You may need a different format if you're using assistive technology. Request an accessible format.

Download DSG allocations for all local authorities and regions 2024 to 2025
Published: 19 December 2023
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS), 185KB
This file is in an OpenDocument format. You may need a different format if you're using assistive technology. Request an accessible format.

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