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ESFA Crest Education & Skills Funding Agency

Dedicated schools grant (DSG) 2024 to 2025 This allocation: 25 March 2024 Not latest

Total allocation for financial year 2024 to 2025


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Total schools block after recoupment:


Primary schools
Primary schoolsCurrent total
Unit of funding£5,136.11
Number of pupils
Find out why partial pupil numbers are used
Total primary schools£126,592,272
Secondary schools
Secondary schoolsCurrent total
Unit of funding£6,772.37
Number of pupils
Find out why partial pupil numbers are used
Total secondary schools£128,780,002
Premises factor
Current total
Premises factor including national non-domestic rates (NNDR)£6,564,360
GrowthCurrent total
Total growth funding£560,547

Total schools block before recoupment


Deductions to schools block for recoupment


Deductions for ESFA payments to billing authorities for NNDR


More information on NNDR
Get more information on NNDR from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.

Total schools block after recoupment:


How we calculate this
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.

Detailed funding block resources

Total central school services block


Central school services
Central school servicesCurrent total
Unit of funding£39.28
Number of pupils43,663
Total central school services£1,715,083
Historic commitments
Current total
Total funding for historic commitments£306,579

Total central school services block


How we calculate this
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.

Detailed funding block guidance

Total high needs block after deductions


Total high needs block national funding formula allocations breakdown
National funding formula (NFF) allocationsCurrent total
Total high needs elements in the funding floor and gains calculation£55,199,178
Total high needs block basic entitlement (area cost adjusted) breakdown
Basic entitlement (area cost adjusted)Current total
Unit of funding£4,668.17
Number of pupils (in special schools and academies)1,609
Total basic entitlement£7,511,086
Total high needs block import/export adjustments breakdown
Import/export adjustmentsCurrent total
Number of pupils (net amount imported/exported)-130
Total import/export adjustment (based on January 2023 school census and February R06 2022 to 2023 individualised learner record)-£780,000
More about import/export adjustments
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
Total high needs block additional funding for special free schools breakdown
Additional funding for special free schoolsCurrent total
Total additional funding for special free schools£0
More about additional funding for special free schools
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
Total high needs block hospital education and teachers' pay and pension breakdown
Hospital education and teachers' pay and pensionCurrent total
Total hospital education and teachers' pay and pension£1,963,754
More about hospital education and teachers' pay and pension funding
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.

Total high needs block before deductions


High needs deductions

Mainstream academies (special educational needs units and resourced provision) Pre-16 places
Mainstream academies (special educational needs units and resourced provision)April 2024 to
August 2024
September 2024 to
March 2025
Total deduction
Pre-16 special educational needs places funded at £6,000114109£666,500
Pre-16 special educational needs places funded at £10,00005£29,167
Pre-16 alternative provision places00£0
Mainstream academies (special educational needs units and resourced provision) Post-16 places
April 2024 to
July 2024
August 2024 to
March 2025
Total deduction
Post-16 special educational needs places4012£128,000
Alternative provision academies and free schools
Alternative provision academies and free schoolsApril 2024 to
August 2024
September 2024 to
March 2025
Total deduction
Pre-16 special educational needs places00£0
Pre-16 alternative provision places33£30,000
AP Special free schools
April 2024 to
July 2024
August 2024 to
March 2025
Total deduction
Post-16 special educational needs places00£0
16 to 19 academies and free schools
16 to 19 academies and free schoolsApril 2024 to
July 2024
August 2024 to
March 2025
Total deduction
Post-16 special educational needs places5454£324,000
Further education (FE ) and independent learning provider(ILP) places
Further education (FE ) and independent learning provider(ILP) placesApril 2024 to
July 2024
August 2024 to
March 2025
Total deduction
FE and ILP places178213£1,208,000
View funding factors with no deductions
There are no deductions for:
  • special academies
  • special free schools
  • hospital academies

Deductions to high needs block due to direct funding of places


Total high needs block after deductions


How we calculate this
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025. If you would like more information on the deductions, visit the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.

Detailed funding block guidance

Total early years block


Universal entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds
Universal entitlement for 3 and 4 year oldsCurrent total
Hourly rate for 3 and 4 year olds£5.50
Number for universal entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds
Find out why partial pupil numbers are used
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year38
Total indicative funding allocation for universal entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds£13,603,612
More about universal entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
Additional 15 hours entitlement for eligible working parents of 3 and 4 year olds
Current total
Hourly rate for 3 and 4 year olds£5.50
Number for additional 15 hours entitlement for eligible working parents of 3 and 4 year olds (part-time equivalent)
Find out why partial pupil numbers are used
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year38
Total indicative funding allocation for additional 15 hours entitlement for eligible working parents of 3 and 4 year olds£7,121,090
More about additional 15 hours entitlement
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
2 year old disadvantaged entitlement
Current total
Hourly rate for 2 year olds£7.88
Number for 2 year old disadvantaged entitlement (part-time equivalent)891.05
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year38
Total indicative funding allocation for 2 year old disadvantaged entitlement£4,002,241
More about 2 year old disadvantaged entitlement
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
2 year old entitlement for working parents
Current total
Hourly rate for 2 year olds£7.88
Estimated number for 2 year old entitlement for working parents (part-time equivalent)1,387.21
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year38
Total indicative funding allocation for 2 year old working parent entitlement£6,230,793
More about 2 year old entitlement for working parents
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
Under 2s entitlement
Current total
Hourly rate for under 2s£10.75
Estimated number for under 2s entitlement (part-time equivalent)830.63
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year (entitlement starts from September 2024)38
Total indicative funding allocation for under 2s entitlement£5,089,686
More about under 2s entitlement
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
Early years pupil premium for 3 and 4 year olds
Current total
Number for 3 and 4 year olds early years pupil premium (part-time equivalent)675.67
Hourly rate for early years pupil premium£0.68
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year38
Total indicative funding allocation for early years pupil premium for 3 and 4 year olds£261,890
Early years pupil premium for 2 year olds
Current total
Estimated number for 2 year olds early years pupil premium (part-time equivalent)371.45
Hourly rate for early years pupil premium £0.68
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year38
Total indicative funding allocation for early years pupil premium for 2 year olds£143,975
Early years pupil premium for under 2s
Current total
Estimated number for under 2s early years pupil premium (part-time equivalent)22.29
Hourly rate for early years pupil premium £0.68
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year (entitlement starts from September 2024)38
Total indicative funding allocation for early years pupil premium for under 2s£8,640
More about early years pupil premium
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
Disability access fund for 3 and 4 year olds
Current total
Estimated number for 3 and 4 year olds disability access fund (part-time equivalent)245
Yearly rate for disability access fund£910
Total funding allocation for disability access fund for 3 and 4 year olds£222,950
Disability access fund for 2 year olds
Current total
Estimated number for 2 year olds disability access fund (part-time equivalent)65
Yearly rate for disability access fund£910
Total funding allocation for disability access funding for 2 year olds£59,150
Disability access fund for under 2s
Current total
Estimated number for under 2s for disability access fund (part-time equivalent)21
Yearly rate for disability access fund£910
Total funding allocation for disability access fund for under 2s (entitlement starts from September 2024)£19,110
More about disability access funding
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025.
Maintained nursery school supplementary funding
Current total
Hourly rate for supplementary funding for mainatined nursery schools£6.34
Number for supplementary funding for maintained nursery schools (part-time equivalent)181
Hours entitled per week15
Weeks entitled per year38
Total indicative supplementary funding allocation for maintained nursery schools£654,098
More about supplementary funding
Get more information on the indicative supplementary funding allocation from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025

Total early years block


How we calculate this
Get more information on these calculations from the DSG: technical note 2024 to 2025. If you would like more detailed information, visit the early years national funding formula: funding rates and guidance.

Detailed funding block guidance

Allocation history

General DSG guidance